
The Postgraduate Program in Physics (PPGF) at the Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte was recommended by CAPES in 2007, starting its activities with the Master's Course in 2008 and having Condensed Matter Physics as its area of concentration. In 2012, its second area of concentration, Astrophysics and Cosmology, was implemented. The Physics Doctorate Course was approved in 2018.
The research fields of the PPGF are distributed in two areas of concentration. In Condensed Matter Physics those fields are Magnetic Materials and Magnetic Properties; Statistical Physics and Kinetic Theory and Dielectric and Semiconductor Materials. In the area of Astrophysics and Cosmology, research is carried out in Stellar Astrophysics or in Cosmology and Gravitation.
The Program is based in Mossoró, which is the central city of a region encompassing 30 municipalities and that includes part of the states of Ceará and Paraíba. This region is experiencing an intense process of economic and infrastructure development and the PPGF acts as a catalyst in this process. Currently, about 90% of the program´s former students are pursuing doctorates in Brazil or abroad, are teachers at public universities and federal institutes of education, or teach in public and private secondary schools.
The collaborations and agreements established by the PPGF involve various Brazilian or international institutions, such as: UFRN, UFC, UFPE, ON, UFCG, USP, Universidade do Minho, University of Glasgow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, among others.
The selection of new students for the master's and doctoral courses is carried out twice a year. The selection process is carried out through performance evaluation, intervie,w and analysis of the curriculum, and the selected students can be rewarded with a study scholarship financed by CAPES.